Waste Management Downtown Diversion

Waste Management works with the City of Los Angeles to develop Construction & Demolition recycling programs that can keep our LA projects on time and on budget and benefit our environment.

With their expertise in sorting and diversion initiatives, construction recycling plan become easy, cost-effective, and efforts can help you achieve valuable points towards LEED® certification.

Whether you’re getting rid of old concrete, construction and demolition debris, or landscaping materials, Waste Management works with you to develop C&D recycling programs that work for you, and the environment.

What kinds of construction debris can I recycle?

You can recycle most common construction materials with Waste Management, including:

  • Concrete
  • Porcelain
  • Rigid plastics
  • Tile
  • Lumber
  • Metals
  • Masonry
  • Plastic
  • Rock
  • Carpet
  • Insulation
  • And more




How construction debris recycling works

The goal of every recycling program is to retain as much value as possible. We’ll help you do that by turning your construction debris into new resources, such as:

  • Inerts that become road base
  • Cardboard, paper, plastics, and metals can be converted into new goods
  • Clean wood becomes mulch or biomass fuel
  • Dirt, rock, and sand become Alternative Daily Cover (ADC) in landfills
  • Crushed concrete becomes gravel or dry aggregate for new concrete

[embedyt] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2fWjdX4tz7c[/embedyt]